In the early 2000s, Core Design embarked on a thrilling journey to develop Fighting Force 3, a game for PlayStation 2, XBOX, and possibly the GameCube. The project, unfortunately, was shelved, leaving behind a treasure trove of untold stories and unexplored adventures.
Venturing back to its roots, Fighting Force 3 promised classic beat ’em up gameplay, offering gamers a fully immersive cooperative mode. With an array of four distinct characters to select from, players could step into the shoes of familiar faces like Hawk, Mace, and Smasher from the original game, alongside the exciting addition of Jill. However, Alana was slated to be absent from this instalment.
We’ve managed to unearth some of the captivating concept and environmental artwork created by the talented Gary Tonge, a key designer at Core Design. These visuals offer a glimpse into the untold potential of Fighting Force 3, showcasing the creativity and vision that could have defined this remarkable gaming experience. We thank Gary for sending us these.