Let’s Play Comix Zone

I felt a bit nostalgic last night and decided to fire up my Megadrive (Genesis for you Americans :P) emulator and play Comix Zone, which used to be one of my favourite games back then.
The game was released in August 1995 and was one of the last games ever made for Megadrive thus utilising all the advances of Sega’s technologies at the time.
The concept for game originated from a Commodore Amiga demo video animated by Peter Morawiec titled “Joe Pencil Trapped In The Comix Zone”. The video was made in 1992, displaying the animation of how the gameplay and the comic book elements would blend in and that was later made into a game

I used to be super good at this but lost the skill 🙁 Also my version of the game had hotkey menu and a “special attack” so it felt a bit awkward. Hopefully this brought back some memories to you or at least made you interested in this beautiful beat ‘em up 🙂