Tomb Raider: The Dark Angel Symphony Fulfilled All Orders


All 1500+ parcels are now delivered!


All shop orders now shipped too! This means that any future orders will be shipped within a week of placing it.

We have a few items left. This includes 15 Kurtis’ Journals. What happened is that I double booked the staff units of these and as a result we ended up with 15 extra. Also huge thanks to 2 backers that returned extra journals that I sent by mistake (sending 1500 parcels single-handedly is a hue task and I’m only human).

Anyhow, the journals are now listed on the shop so go and grab them if you missed any!


This is now live! We added English subtitles so you could understand Peter’s terrible accent (:P). You also can help by translating those into other languages if you want <3