We need your help. Tomb Raider: Anniversary Edition

If you are unsure what Tomb Raider: Anniversary Edition is we highly recommend this video:


In the past few days we were busy publishing screenshots of geometry from the cancelled Tomb Raider: Anniversary Edition.



Short link to this article is available via trae.tomb-of-ash.com

We wanted to publish a level a day just to ensure we bring back all the attention to this cancelled remake. We notice that there’s still a great interest for this game and we are beyond happy about it.

As this is the last geometry screenshots we’re left to publish we need your help.

Past 5 years I was working hard to find the game, a working build, early level geometry, models, anything I could find really.

I succeeded! I found and published full game synopsis, lots of screenshots, unpublished trailers and lots of other media. This is not all. The geometry screenshots we published in the past few days were taken by me. Yes, we got the build! It is missing some of the files but I am sure collectively we could get it to work. I was helped by two amazing community members Nakamichi and Tiernan who created an incredible tool that allowed us to rip geometry out and take quick renders that I then published. After all these years chasing ghosts I am now faced with one final struggle – getting it out there.

A few months ago I contacted Crystal D’s community rep asking whether I’d be allowed to publish this build when I’d receive it from my source. I received a firm “no” from their legal department. I then decided to team up with Naka and Tiernan to make this build to work or at least rip the models out. They started their coding magic and Nakamichi managed to create a ripper. My plan was to use the ripper to post screenshots of the levels and get people’s attention and then ask for the community to help to peer pressure Crystal D to provide us with permission. Core Design does not exist anymore. I highly doubt these files present any commercial value to Crystal D and I am sure they would not spend their time and resources making a playable game out of this. The community would benefit from the assets or even make this build playable or even turn it into a brand new version of TRLE. Who knows.

Here’s Nakamichi’s gorgeous screenshots and renders just LOOK HOW PRETTY:

Hard bit is done. The build is found and ground work to make use of it is complete. This is where you come in.


If you’re a blogger, website admin, youtuber, cosplayer or just a fan. You need to start making noise. Send Crystal Dynamics an email asking them to give us permission to publish the assets. Tag official channels on Twitter and Facebook. We need that permission. Start petitions, create banners, raise awareness. You know the drill. Help us out on this one!

I want to stress out that we can’t publish these assets without that permission nor we will send them to anyone individually. Not even in secret. I know this might make some of you pissed off but before you write that hate email consider that we did all the work researching and finding it, all we need now is a little support from you. It doesn’t cost you anything to send a tweet. Please understand this decision. We need the legal permission so help us get it and we all will finally be able to play it!

We are not publishing this on torrent. This game deserves more than that and I’m sure we can make it happen.

We are an official Tomb Raider fansite and we might never be invited to any of the official events with this but this is bigger than this. 

-Tomb of Ash (Ash, Terenete), Nakamichi and Tiernan

Promotional images you can use on social media:

Download as a zip archive.

By https://twitter.com/_flaaaaaav 

EDIT: Video from Mel Mac:

Anyhow, Screenshots from Tomb of Qualopec (Tomb Raider: Anniversary Edition)