We’ve received a number of documents on the abandoned Kurtis Trent spin-off game, a prequel to Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness. These were sent to us anonymously. This particular anonymous contributor has sent a number of screenshots and documents to us in the past and they were eventually verified by members of the Core Design team. As such, we have no doubts about the authenticity of these documents.


See earlier Kurtis Trent Game Design Ideas 06/07/2001

Game name   Bloodline

The name comes from Kurtis Trents realization of his ancestral legacy and the re-discovery of his inherited paranormal powers.


The story overview

The story is a prequel to TR Next Gen.

Set in New York City, USA. Between the years1998 to 2000.

Kurtis drives a wrecked 1970’s Ford.  (He sleeps in the back seat).

Earning his living as a small time bounty hunter.

He is running from his ancestral past – and present day demons.

Meanwhile …

New York city sits at one end of an inter-dimensional time bridge which spans the gulf between the demon dimension and our own world.

The keystones guarding our dimension are being weakened by the demons who plan to break the ancient seals and invade earth.

A chance meeting with a mysterious priest becomes Kurtis’ salvation and leads him to develop his paranormal powers, claim his ancestral birth-right and ultimately save the city from the forces of darkness.

Game genre

Third person arcade adventure.

Focal points of the game.

The core of the game is based around search and destroy missions.

Focus on (in order of importance)

  1. Combat – destroy all     enemies using available weapons.
  2. Exploration –search     rooms for pick ups and enemies to destroy.
  3. World interaction – open     doors, shoot out windows and walls.
  4. Story – to create     atmosphere, depth of character and link episodes.


Focus on – Combat.

Kurtis Trent has the following abilities.

Hand to hand combat.

Use of firearms.

Use of explosives.

Use of psychic occult powers – to power-boost firearms and explosives.

Use of psychic occult powers – for reconnaissance and object control.

World interaction – use of computers and machinery to produce a simple goal.

Enemies will have the following abilities.

Hand to hand combat.

Use of firearms.

Use of psychic occult powers – to power-boost firearms and explosives.

Focus on – Exploration

Search for pick ups to replenish energy and weapons.

Search for enemies to destroy.

Kurtis must destroy all enemies in a room before the door unlocks and lets him continue.

Focus on – World interaction

Kurtis can      climb stairs

climb ladders

open swing doors with a push

shoot out windows and jump through the hole

shoot out walls and vents at pre-defined points and jump through    the hole.

smash objects – crates, barrels, machines

crush objects with his paranormal powers

be harmed by pre-defined zones placed in the room.

These zones are : Fire (burning), Water (drowning), Electrical (electrocution).

Focus on – Story

The story is presented using the in game polygon graphics.

The story is revealed in the twelve episodes that make up the game.

At the end of each episode is a short video that plays music, news bulletins and off the wall imagery. This is designed to reinforce the world of Kurtis Trent.

There is no introduction sequence.

The game starts and as the player plays the names of the characters are superimposed over the action.

Story is delivered in the following ways:

  1. Exerts from diaries.     (With voice over narration).
  2. In game cut scenes with     game characters.
  3. Media transmissions from     TV.
  4. Media transmissions from     radio.




Kurtis Trent – Demon hunter.

Father Francis – Excommunicated priest and occult expert.

Ana Scott – TV news reporter and Kurtis’ doomed girlfriend.

Marty Cruise  – Forensic police scientist.

Marie Cornel – Kurtis’ mother.

Agent White – Shadowy secret service agent protecting Kurtis from the MIB’s.

Lost girl. – Ghostly apparition that fades in, delivers message then fades away.


Eckhart – Fourteenth century crazed alchamist.

Phil Yates – Possessed billionaire software mogel.

Jean Rochelle – Old ‘friend’ from the Foreign Legion.

Obnoxtrux – Monster demon

Spawn – Furry gremlin critters.

Vampires – The living dead.

NYPD police force – Gun happy flat foots who get in the way.

MIB’s –           Government agents looking to capture Kurtis and study his paranormal powers.

(By removing his brain and cutting it into small pieces!)

MIB’s come in two varieties:

Type 1 – MIB agent. Man in a dark suit. (Investigatiors).

Type 2 – SWAT team commando operatives. (Capture teams).

Demonic possessed – People who have been enslaved by the dark forces. Only scanning their aura will alert Kurtis to their true nature.

Enemy Reactions

Enemy characters are assigned trigger values for reaction times, aggression, health and ammunition.

These triggers control the resulting animations.

A line of sight cone emits from the characters head. If Kurtis is within this cone the enemy character will react according to its trigger values.


Enemy patrol paths


Patrol paths are set by positioning control nodes around the room.

The direction and any incidental animations of the character is set on the node.

World navigation – map scanner

A scanner that shows the game world as a top down two dimensional map.

Paranormal hot spots show up as red pulsing blobs.

The locations of mortals are shown as green lozenges.

Kurtis appears as a central blue icon in the center of the screen.

The scanner always orientates itself to the North.

It appears as a semi-transparent HUD map over the game world which allows the player to keep on steering Kurtis through the environment.

To use the map scanner:

Select map scanner from the inventory. HUD map appears.

Press the CROSS – (action) button to make it disappear.


Time gates


These are inter-dimensional gateways that offer a window into past and future events.

Kurtis can witness actions from other times and receive messages from the past – and future.

While Kurtis can not step through, he can use his mind control powers to capture small non-organic objects and bring them into his dimension.

Time gates are scattered everywhere but are disguised as everyday objects.

To find and use a Time gate:

Select Psychic Aura Scanner from the Psychic inventory.

Scan the area for psychic aura.

When it is revealed the player stands in front of the Time gate and presses the CROSS – (action) button.

The Time gate opens and the Kurtis sees a third person camera view of the action.

To capture an object :

R2 – Hold = Mind control over objects

Steer crosshair over object with:

AL – Left/right/forward/back + 1 click = Capture object

When the object is captured Kurtis is returned to the normal game mode.

Objects can also be thrown into the Time gates.


Players inventory

D PAD – LEFT ARROW – Hold down  = Inventory

Scrolling horizontal selection bar. Rolls left or right.

Center slot is high lighted and the item inside it is the current weapon.

Release the D PAD button to use the selected item.

Items list:


Occult sign.


Paranormal scanner.

Hand weapon inventory

D PAD – UP ARROW – Hold down  = Hand weapons

Scrolling horizontal selection bar. Rolls left or right.

Center slot is high lighted and the item inside it is the current weapon.

Release the D PAD button to use the selected item.

Items list:


Hand gun.

Fires standard 9mm rounds.

FNP-90 submachine gun.

Fires 9mm tracer rounds.

Occult sign.

Hold this in front of a demon to weaken it.

Throwing weapons inventory

D PAD – DOWN ARROW –  Hold down  = Throwing weapons

Scrolling horizontal selection bar. Rolls left or right.

Center slot is high lighted and the item inside it is the current weapon.

Release the D PAD button to use the selected item.

Items list:

Gas grenade.

Explosive grenade.

SALT grenade.


PSYWARE is the military term given to the paranormal abilities of the human mind.

This breaks down into two areas:

Area 1.            Psychic powers are concentrated on tactical and information gathering activities.

List of powers:

Out of body eye for reconnaissance.

Aura scanner. For detecting the paranormal.

Mind control of objects. Pick up, move and drop.

Levitation. Limited in height and duration. Quickly depletes energy reserves.

Best used to enhance fighting moves. Kicks, flips etc.

Mind control over life forms. Take control of other creatures’ bodies.

Psychic tap. Kurtis can drain the energy from humans to power up his occult energy reserves.

Area 2.           Occult powers are used for offensive and defensive attacks and draw their energy from the energy signatures of all living things.

List of powers:

Directional energy wave.

360 blast energy wave.

PSYWARE booster.

All of the weapons in the Hand weapon and Throwing weapon inventory can be power-boosted by combining Hand weapons and Throwing weapons with the Psychic power button.


Select a Hand weapon or Throwing weapon.

Hold down the L1 – Psychic power

The Demon dimension – Where? Who? Why?

The demon dimension is a universe parallel to our own.

In this dimension is a planet where the demons live their lives in much the same way mankind has done for millions of years.

But unlike man, demons evolved down the reptilian branch of life which has resulted in a stunted, aggressive, ritualistic culture where war and conquest are the only goals.

Demon society is therefore somewhat akin to mankind’s medieval past with feudal overlords directing the fates of their minions.

The study of the paranormal is only ‘science’ on the demon world because of its use in war. This knowledge of the occult led to the discovery of the Time Bridges which link the multi-dimensional universe together.

These time bridges allow the demons to invade other worlds for war, plunder and slavery.

Enemy demons.

When a demon breaks through the dimensional barrier, the first thing it wants to do is enslave minions. It does this with a zap of power, turning the victim into a slave. These slaves can be used as assassins or cannon fodder, and spies.

Demons will camouflage their true shape for as long as possible, preferring to take the form of another creature.

Only when the host form has been rendered useless will they appear in their true demonic form.

Demon hunting tends to follow this pattern:

Tracking – the investigation and locating of the demonic infestation.

Mortal combat – combat with the enslaved minions protecting their master.

Paranormal combat – containment and exorcism of the demon itself.

Demonic insurrection squads

These demonic raiders will materialize to kill or kidnap their chosen victim.

They operate as assasins, hostage takers and emissaries for their dark masters.

Demon hierarchy

Demons are structured into clans which are then broken down into further ranks.

A clan is structured in this way:

Dark Emporer – supreme demon ruler.

Dark Knights – the emperors loyal barons, (each controls their own private army and territories but must be loyal to their master at all times).

The Horde – drone soldiers. They follow orders and will fight to the death.

Type 1 – Sword fighter.

Type 2 – Archer.

Type 3 – Artillery

Gargoyles – employed as spies, assassins and couriers.

Demon hybrids


These are sub-species of demon that have adapted and changed their appearance and bodies.

Hybrid 1 – Uses cybernetics to enhance their physical prowess and their ability to live in the human world.


The Time Bridge


The Time Bridge is a natural glitch in the space/time barrier that separates all universes from one another.

It spans between two universes and acts as a bridge, allowing matter to travel back and forth.

At each end of the bridge are the seven keystones.

These paranormal anchors hold the bridge steady in the dimensional vortex but can not stop the Time Bridge from following its migration over the Earth.

The migration pattern of the bridge seems to correlate with powerful ley lines running through the planets core.

To stop this movement the seven keystones must be turned to face the center of the formation. This effectively applies the breaks to the Time Bridge and it will come to a halt.

The ancients who discovered the Time Bridge realized its potential for evil so they erected an occult barrier to bar unwanted guests from other dimensions. This door requires a key that takes the form of a code sequence.

The only surviving code lies in the LUX VERITATIS Occult Database.

The Time Bridge – Demon insurrections of the past


There is recorded evidence that the Time Bridge was used by the Demons during recent Earth history.

As far back as the Crusades there is reference to a troop of English Knights discovering the gateway.

This comes from the eye witness account of a Franciscan Monk who writes of a glowing white entrance appearing on top of a mountain range in the Holy Lands.

Thinking this was the path to the Promised Land the Knights entered and where never seen again.

The second incident is noted in the diaries and field reports of a French artillery unit serving during World War One.

They mention that during a night attack a huge phosphorous glow was seen over the front line area that continued to glow for many hours.

The next day a dawn patrol was sent to investigate and reported that hundreds of soldiers in that sector had been killed and stripped of their weapons. It was only after the end of the war that the same account was found in German field reports.

Demons steal weapons of mass destruction technology


Demons are evil and cunning but they lack mankind’s self-destructive streak when it comes to designing weapons of mass destruction.

During the crusades they discovered the crossbow – (a weapon so terrible the then Pope said it would end all wars!)

In World War One they took the machine gun and the airship – (both weapons of mass destruction – the Zeplin was the first aircraft to drop bombs on a civilian city).

Present day – INTER-CONTINENTAL BALLISTIC MISSILE SYSTEM – (mankind’s best attempt yet at DIY-extinction).

Sealing inter-dimensional gateways


The gateways are used by the demons to enter our world.

As they are the demons escape exit they are heavily defended by the enslaved minions.

To seal up the gateway Kurtis must use his Directional energy wave.

Fire the energy wave at the gateway and within a few seconds it will close.

This action will severely deplete Kurtis’ paranormal energy supply.

Game structure.

The game will take the format of a TV series.

Twelve episodes form a complete series.

Each episode has its own complete story and mission to be completed, although some missions and stories will span two episodes.

Key characters will appear in each episode, while some will only come back later on in the series.

Overview of episodes. Only showing key story points.

Note: In-between each episode is a commercial break. Adverts, music videos and news bulletins are broadcast. Some may seem completely off at a tangent but all will create a feel for the kind of world that Kurtis inhabits.

Episode 1      Kurtis on the streets. Living on the proceeds of crime.

Meets Father Francis for the first time.

Rejects the priests offer of help.

Kurtis is involved in a robbery that goes wrong. Ends up in prison.

Father Francis gets him out and takes him to his safe house.

Episode 2      Father Francis shows Kurtis how to master his occult powers.

They go on a demon hunt together. Kurtis is back on track.

Episode 3      More demon fighting. Kurtis is becoming more adept at using his skills as demon hunter.

Eckhart makes his first appearance and escapes after a savage fight.

Father Francis explains the invisible war between good and evil that is raging in the city.

Episode 4      A super demon breaks in and is loose in the city.

Kurtis rescues a girl. Ana Bell, TV news reporter. Falls in love. She dies. (Sigh.)

Kurtis blames himself.

Episode 5      First part of a two part story.

Eckhart is trying to mastermind a massive occult invasion in the city.

To be continued …

Episode 6      Continues …

The investigation leads to a billionaires mansion. Beneath the gothic pile are miles of catacombs filled with a demon army.

Eckhart escapes to fight again.

Episode 7      Introduce Marty Cruise  – a forensic police scientist.

Side kick for Kurtis and Father Francis.

Kurtis meets his mother. She gives him his fathers diary.

The diary will provide insights into Kurtis past and future.

Episode 8      More demon fighting.

An old friend from Kurtis’ legion days turns up.

Kurtis’ is persuaded to join in a bank robbery.

This is a trap and the MIB capture him.

Kurtis must escape from captivity.

Episode 9      Comedy episode – Cute furry critters are being sold all over the city.

They hatch into something nasty.

Episode 10    Halloween in the city.

Vampires are abroad tonight.

Father Francis “Vampires! I hate those guys!”

Episode 11    Eckhart kidnaps Kurtis’ mother (Marie Cornel) and Kurtis must rescue her.

Father Francis dies in this episode.

Kurtis must go on alone.

Episode 12    Eckhart has taken Marie Cornel to the place where Kurtis was born – a hymetically sealed base in the Utah desert.

Kurtis must rescue his mother.

Eckhart escapes to Europe.


Kurtis Trent character animations

Basic moves


Personality move – smoking a cigarette/eating peanuts.



Strafe – left + right



Belly Crawl

Jump – upwards/forwards/backwards – (hop)

Rolling – left/right/forward

Stepping – left/right/forward/backwards

Death move

Weakened slouch

Hit reactions – punch, shot, electrocution etc.


World interaction

Push door

Kick locked door open

Climbing – ladders

Press button – chest height

Operate keyboard – table height

Pick up object

Throw object



Holster + Draw firearm

Fire firearm

Reload firearm

Grab + Throw Grenade

Cast/throw salt

Hold occult amulet


Trance state – out of body movement

Mind control – arm extended to move objects/humans etc..

Psychic wave – tense up crouch move and release

Levitation stance – angelic pose

Psychic Energy Drain – same as mind control move

Psychic Shield – cross arms and brings head down

Psychic overload – hands holding head, stumbling around

Psychic blast – arms extended, hands together/open


Hand to hand fighting


Punch – psychic same move

Kick –        “   “

Shove –       “   “

Block –       “   “

PSX 2 controller

AL – Half forward = Walk

AL – Full forward = Run

AL – Full back = Jump back

AL – Left/right = Turn around

L3 + 1 click = Crouch. To exit crouch : L3 + 1 click = Stand

L3 + 2 clicks = Crawl. To exit crawl : L3 + 1 click = Stand

AR – Left/right = Strafe sideways

AL – Forward + AR – Forward = Sneak

AL – Full forward + SQUARE – Tap = Jump forward

AL – Full back + SQUARE – Tap = Jump backwards

L1 –   Hold down to combine psychic power with weapons and fighting moves.

Hold down to build up a stronger release of psychic power.

On screen charge bar will indicate level of power.

L1 – Hold = Psychic power + TRIANGLE – Block = Psychic shield

D PAD – UP ARROW –  Hold down  = Hand weapons

D PAD – DOWN ARROW –  Hold down  = Throwing weapons

D PAD – LEFT ARROW –  Hold down  = Inventory


To select an item from the D PAD menus do the following:

+ AL – Left/right scroll to pick item. When high lighted release the D PAD arrow button

L1 – Psychic power + SQUARE – Jump = Levitation

To steer the character in levitation mode use a combination of AL and AR:

AL – Left/right = Turn around

AR – Left/right = Hover left/hover right

AR – Forward/back = Hover up/hover down

R1 – Hold = Out of body.

The Kurtis character freezes and a ball of light leaves his body.

To steer the ball to a host body in the out of body mode use a combination of AL and AR:

AL – Left/right = Turn around

AR – Left/right = Hover left/hover right

AR – Forward/back = Hover up/hover down

Fly into the host body you want to capture and control. They will move using the same controls as the Kurtis character.

L2 – Hold = Psychic power drain

To direct the beam onto a host body use:

AL – Left/right = Turn around

AR – Forward/Back = Up/down

L1 – Hold – Psychic power + CROSS – Tap = Psychic power blast

Mind control over objects:

R2 – Hold = Mind control over objects

Steer crosshair over object with:

AL – Left/right/forward/back + 1 click = Capture object

Move with:

AL – Left/right = Turn around

AR – Left/right = Hover left/hover right

AR – Forward/back = Hover up/hover down

Release with:

AL + 1 click = Release


CROSS –      Tap = Action/punch Note: Hold down longer for greater distance throws with objects.

SQUARE – Tap = Jump up

CIRCLE – Tap = Kick

TRIANGLE – Tap = Defensive block

Threat indicator

How to show which direction the enemies are coming from in a combat situation.

Occult database

Referred to by Father Francis but only discovered at the end of the game.

Pick ups and reward system




Kurtis’ fathers’ diary

Handed to Kurtis by his mother. This is not a happy family reunion.

Kurtis is bitter at his fathers’ absence and his mothers enforced exile from him.

The diary is not something he immediately values.

Game will use diary to provide background to enemy characters weaknesses.

The Lux Veritatis charms

Body charm 1 – True sight

Amulet that when Kurtis picks it up it burns a symbol onto the palm of his hand.

The tattoo will glow when occult danger is in the vicinity.

Body charm 2 – Pillar of strength

A rune covered stone pillar that when Kurtis encircles it with his arms burns a tattoo onto both forearms.

Increases Kurtis’ resistance to occult attack.

Body charm 3 – Pure of heart

A horizontal beam of energy that cuts through Kurtis leaving a tattoo on his chest.

Increases Kurtis’ resistance to occult mind control.

Body charm 4 – Wisdom of ages

A headband with a carved rune on the front.

Burns into Kurtis’ forehead and gives him instant access to the Lux Veritatis archives of occult knowledge.

Onscreen meters – Psychic power meter

This onscreen power meter indicates the amount of psychic charge being used when the player presses the L1 – Psychic power button.

The diagram below shows the power scale.


The longer the L1 – Physic power button is held the greater the eventual discharge of energy.

If the player exceeds the safe zone limit and enters the danger zone then the eventual discharge of energy can have unpredictable effects on Kurtis and his surroundings.

These can be one of the following:

  1. Kurtis dies (if mortal     energy is low).
  2. Shape change
  3. Kill mortals in the     immediate vicinity
  4. Fire storm


Psychic power – Kurtis transformation

When Kurtis uses his paranormal powers his appearance changes in subtle ways.

Apart from residual energy auras and ghostly special effects, his physical appearance will alter.

Hair becomes charged and glows.

His eyes burn with a blue fire.

Clothing becomes charged and floats away from his body.

Onscreen meters – Mortal energy meter

This onscreen meter indicates the amount of energy the player has remaining.

Run over the energy pick ups to replenish Kurtis’ energy.

Onscreen meters – Ammunition

A three digit figure is displayed indicating the number of rounds remaining in the currently selected weapon.

Game map building

Dimensions are in meters. Y axis is up.

Steps, stairs, walkways, doorways, windows, machines, ladders and furniture will all be built in metric scale.

See Kurtis Trent character animations for the characters walk/jump distances.

Deforming in game objects


Kurtis can deform objects (crush them) in one of two ways.

Directional energy wave – fire the energy beam at an object and it will be crushed.

Mind control – pick up an object and smash it into a solid barrier.

The effect of an object being crushed is achieved by moving the objects vertices inwards and downwards. They will have a field of influence that stops them intersecting and cutting through neighbouring polygons.

Using the environment to full effect

The game world will feature pits, ledges and suspended walkways and bridges.

Enemy characters can be thrown from high points while suspended walkways can be dropped on top of enemies.




Kurtis Trent – Demon hunter.

Father Francis – Excommunicated priest and occult expert.

Ana Bell – TV news reporter and Kurtis’ doomed girlfriend.

Marty Cruise  – Forensic police scientist.

Marie Cornel – Kurtis’ mother.


Eckhart – Forteenth century crazed alchamist.

Phil Yates – Possessed billionaire software mogel.

Jean Rochelle – Old ‘friend’ from the Foreign Legion.

Obnoxtrux – Monster demon

Spawn – Furry gremlin critters.

Vampires – The living dead.

NYPD police force – Gun happy flat foots who get in the way.

MIB’s –           Government agents looking to capture Kurtis and study his paranormal powers.

(By removing his brain and cutting it into small pieces!)

MIB’s come in two varieties:

Type 1 – MIB agent. Man in a dark suit. (Investigatiors).

Type 2 – SWAT team commando operatives. (Capture teams).

Demonic possessed – People who have been enslaved by the dark forces.  Only scanning their aura will alert Kurtis to their true nature.

Special effects 

Combat (mortal)

Punch and kick flash

Speed blur

Combat (paranormal)

Punch and kick flash

Glowing eyes

Speed blur trail

Glowing aura around head and hands

Directional energy beam

360 blast energy wave


Tracer bullet

Firearms (paranormal)

Tracer bullet

Natural elements

Light through coloured glass

Light beams

Lens flare





Wind blowing paper and trash along the ground

Reflection in water puddles

Roaring fire


Steam rising from vent

Electricity arcing

Electricity flash

Electricity sparking

Bubbles rising

Spreading rings on water surface

Explosions (thermal)

Grenade explosion

Oil barrel explosion

Dust cloud explosion

Gas grenade explosion

Ricochet from bullet strike

Explosions (paranormal)

SALT grenade

Psychic grenade explosion

Psychic gas grenade explosion

Ricochet from bullet strike



Playable cut scene sequences

Some cut scenes will require the player to interact with the action.

This can be as simple as pressing a button on the control pad at a certain time to ‘help’ one of the characters achieve a task in the film.


Paranormal weapon training

The player must master the powers before being allowed to use them in the game.

Failure to master a power does not end the game, but leaves Kurtis vulnerable in demonic encounters.


Training sub games

Father Francis instructs Kurtis in how to use the paranormal weapons.

These training sessions will take the form of simple sub games.


Web – Sticky and saps Kurtis’ paranormal powers.

Bubble – Transparent energy ball that blocks Kurtis’ path.

Vortex – Step on this and you are spun around while your energy is drained.

Trip wires (linked to Traps).


Dark mist –    Brings down a dark cloud that restricts the players view distance.

Gas –             A cloud of poisonous gas wells out of the floor. This will sap Kurtis’ strength.

Scatter bombs –       These are occult symbols that appear on the floor.

They move in random patterns, crossing each others path.

If Kurtis treads on them they will explode and sap his energy.

Demon sentry –         This alerts a demon guard who will materialize and fight Kurtis.

Psychic disrupter –   Emits a chaff effect which disrupts the Map scanners display.

Ghosts and gouls


When Kurtis uses his psychic aura scanner to check humans for demonic possession, he will also be able to see any passing ghosts or ghouls in the vicinity.

These transparent visions are harmless and go about their business in period costume. They do not interact with the player and will pass straight through any solid object in their path, (including Kurtis).

Demon technology


Demon technology is a mish-mash hybrid of human ingenuity and occult magic.

Highly volatile and often just plain dangerous to operate, their machines and devices resemble a Victorian eccentrics laboratory experiment.

Father Francis tricks Kurtis

Father Francis has spent a lifetime studying the Lux Veratatis and occult powers but he can’t actually make them work.

This has made the old priest bitter with resentment, and the demons have exploited his weakness.

In exchange for the priests help in opening up the dimensional gateway they have offered to transfer Kurtis’ paranormal powers to Father Francis.

The key to the dimensions

When Kurtis gains his fourth and final Lux Veratatis charm (Wisdom of ages), he is given the knowledge to open the dimension gateway seperating demon and human realities.

The demons plan is simple. Use Kurtis as the key.

The game episode progression

The game world is split into eight districts.

The player will start the game in district one. When this is completed the next district is unlocked.

After completing this district the player has the option of continuing to the next district or revisiting the previous one.

This continues throughout the game.

Why should the player revisit a district?

When the player does revisit a district they will find one or two small missions waiting for them. These are not connected to the main game but will give the player the opportunity to try out their powers and weapons from further on in the game.

For instance, a tough street gang that Kurtis couldn’t beat the first time around can now be tackled with the powers he has mastered further on in the game.

Save game points

The save point where the player can store their game is represented by a wall mounted telephone kiosk.

These telephones are placed around the level and are activated by walking up and pressing the CROSS (action) button on the controller.

An option screen appears showing the previous save positions in the city.

Add your current position to the list.

The players current energy, inventory, weapons and location in the game world are stored on the PS2 memory card.

High light the EXIT command with the D PAD – RIGHT ARROW and press the CROSS (action) button to return to the game world.



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