ITALY based Tomb Raider fan MontyTRC is working on a brand new Level Editor for the classic Tomb Raider games.
According to MontyTRC, Tomb Editor currently has:
- 3D geometry manipulation like in classic TRLE
- Mouse camera control
- Texturing with support of 256×256 texture tiles, resizable tiles, triangle selection
- Portals creation with toggle opacity 1 & 2
- Moveables placing, moving, rotating
- Static meshes placing, moving, rotating
- WAD loading
- Box, monkey, death, climb, etc
- 2D Map
- 2D grid of current room (with portal navigation and rendering of special sectors)
- Horizon rendering if the WAD contains the horizon object
- Transparent textures
- Double sided textures
- Invisible polygons
With these features coming soon:
- Triggers
- Floordata, boxes, overlaps and zones generation
- TR4 Level compiling.
If you’re into level editing you can grab a beta version of the editor from this thread on aspidetr.
Also make sure to visit an official website for Tomb Editor.
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