Guest article by Wing See Li.
For the first time ever, it brings me great pleasure to present the readers of the Tomb Of Ash my first, unexpected interview with
the creator of Computer Virus Simulator, D. Jagielski (thedarkhog on Twitter).
At the moment, he is responsible for almost everything for the upcoming indie
3D platforming/collectathon game ranging from character and asset modelling to
level design except for the music (as stated in the interview).
How did this come about? While I’m minding my own
business surfing the internet and flicking through the web pages of Facebook
and Twitter, I suddenly received a tweet from D. Jagielski (also known as
thedarkhog) while I’m scrolling up and down the notifications list. It’s
not every day a random stranger abruptly asks me to do an interview with
him/her so I immediately accepted his request. Besides, I might as well snag
the opportunity while I still can! And the rest is history!
Now with further ado, here is my first interview with
D. Jagielski!
What games inspired your Virus Computer Simulator game?
D. Jagielski:
Mainly early 3D games such as Alpha Waves/Continuum released by infogrames back
in either 90 or 91, not sure right now – one of the first if not the first 3D
platformers, way before Super Mario 64. Also, demoscene. And it’s Computer
Virus Simulator. 😉
What inspired you to use a computer virus as a character?
D. Jagielski:
Originality. To my knowledge it has never been done before and I needed
something to stand out since I’ve knew full well I won’t be only 3D platformer
in town by the time of release. Also this gives me free reign to do as many
obscure computer jokes as I please.
Can you tell me a summary of the story of the Computer Virus Simulator game?
D. Jagielski:
For now story is still in flux. I think I’ll do it with loosely connected story
arcs, similar to what some web comics do. This will make possible to extend the
game’s story as long as it is vialable commercially and as long as I have ideas
to do so. Each “arc” will be 5-10 levels long, with demo having its
own arc.
Is there a main antagonist? Can you describe to me what he/she looks like or show
me a picture of him/her?
D. Jagielski:
The Creator, who is, well, creator of The Virus has a rival and there will be
few clashes between the two, but he’s not the same “main antagonist”
in the sense that Neo Cortex is for Crash or Gruntilda for Banjo.
Does the Computer Virus have its own moveset?
D. Jagielski:
Yes. While it’s not final, for now it consists of dash, acting both as mobility
ability as well as attack, ground pound, gliding, jumping and wall jumping.
You can also pick up upgrades that allow you to shoot.
What does your game development team compose of? Or is it just you developing the
game, composing music, programming, testing the game etc?
D. Jagielski: I
am doing most of development, including levels, coding graphics and all the
sounds within the game. For music I rely on CC and outright public domain
chiptunes. I wish I could hire musician for the projects, but the game has
basically $0 budget.
Are you planning on launching a Kickstarter campaign for this game?
D. Jagielski: I
am from one of those countries where you can’t launch Kickstarter, but
IndieGoGo is pretty much in the cards once demo is ready.
Speaking of launching this game, do you have an estimated release date? What platforms
are you planning on releasing this game on?
D. Jagielski: I
don’t know when I will be able to finish the demo and this is prerequisite for
the IGG campaign as I think that in the current crowdfunding climate it is
important to give potential funders something more than just a nice video to
base their decisions on, especially on IndieGoGo.
But I’ll try to do this before this year is over,
Will there be a hub world in your game? A lot of 3D platformers have hub worlds.
D. Jagielski:
Actually, the whole main menu itself is playable and has an area where you can
select level you want to play. You will be able to play the levels in any order
you want to, but of course preferably you’d play them in order. From the main
menu you can also get to the level editor.
Is your game open-world? Or is it in the vein of Crash Bandicoot, Super Mario 3D
Land, Super Mario 3D World etc?
D. Jagielski:
Some levels will be linear while others will be more open. It all depends on
needs of the specific area. The level editor contained within the game, same
one that I’m using to create levels for the game and which will be available to
the players as well allows for both kinds to be made.
How many levels and worlds will there be in total? Do they each have names?
D. Jagielski:
The target point at which game will be considered finished is 100 levels. They
will all have names.
What are the names of the levels? Can you name a few examples of the levels for me?
D. Jagielski:
The level currently in development is called “Datacolumns”.
Will the game have bosses, mini-bosses and a final boss? If so, what are the names of
D. Jagielski:
Yes, it certainly will have bosses, but at this point I don’t know what kind of
bosses they will be as I’ve simply not this far in the development to have to
create one.
Due to me working on this alone I have to concentrate on
one thing at a time, for now it is level design.
How long have you been working on this game for?
D. Jagielski: I
have been working on the Computer Virus Simulator since 2014.
What are the programmes you use to develop your game?
D. Jagielski:
I’m developing the game using Unity3D and Blender for artwork.
What is the software you use to compose your music?
D. Jagielski: I
don’t compose the music. Music in the game as of right now is Creative Commons
and Public Domain chiptunes.
Are they placeholder music?
D. Jagielski:
Not sure at this point. Whether I’ll use it in the final product depends on how
successful my IndieGoGo campaign will be (planning to launch it in flexible
funding so at least I’ll get some money for development). Although I really
like the tune that is currently being used for the main menu area.
Are you planning on adding vehicle and turret sections in your game? Or are you not
following the trend of most old platformers? Old platformers mostly have turret
and vehicle sections.
D. Jagielski: I
don’t know at this point whether this would be done.
I guess this will depend on Early Access feedback on it
and whether people will want me to do it.
Will there be any power-ups or abilities?
D. Jagielski:
Yes, there will be. One such ability that I’ve forgot to mention is the ability
to create a checkpoint anywhere in the level so if you die, you’ll respawn in
the place where you set the checkpoint instead of having to start the entire
level over.
Number of these checkpoints is limited though (at the
start of the level it’s just 2 checkpoints), but you can collect checkpoint
orbs to add more. Usually checkpoints orbs are given away before any harder
parts of the level.
Will there be any save states?
D. Jagielski:
You won’t be able to save mid-level. The only way to preserve that progress is
through placing checkpoints in a smart manner. All other data such as level
high score, how many times you’ve completed specific level and so on will be
preserved automatically. The game won’t feature lives system.
Will there be DLC, season passes, microtransactions etc in the future?
D. Jagielski:
Definitely no microtransactions or season passes, but there may be DLCs (as in,
proper expansion packs) if game proves to be popular enough.
Will there be any NPCs to talk to and help?
D. Jagielski:
Not sure about that yet.
What are the main objectives in the game?
D. Jagielski:
Every level has its own goal you need to complete in order to finish it (and
unlock level exit plate). Sometimes you’ll have to collect certain amount of
data stored in datagrams; sometimes you’ll have to kill certain amount of
enemies, sometimes other things, sometimes a mix of any of the above.
Is the computer virus is the only character you can play as or there is more than
one character to play as?
D. Jagielski:
The Virus is the only one. You don’t need more than him.
What or who inspired the Computer Virus character?
D. Jagielski: I
see, I see… Well, he’s just a Computer Virus, that’s all. As for what he looks
like, it was based on old 8×8 pixel art thing of mine that then I’ve replicated
in Blender using Grid object which then I’ve extruded to make The Virus
actually 3D.
Will the characters, levels and worlds be colourful and vibrant? Where do you get
inspired from for level and character design?
D. Jagielski:
Yes, they will be colourful. As for inspiration many of level concepts are
based in part on various demoscene demos and early 3D games. Other sources of
inspiration include nature and architecture.
What are the collectibles in the game, including the main collectibles?
D. Jagielski: At
this point there’s a gun pickup, datagram pickup (datagrams can also be
destroyed by careless shooting, so be careful where you shoot when you have to
collect datagrams), checkpoint orb pickup. The game isn’t a collectathon by any
means (it’s more close to Super Mario 64 and Crash in terms how pickups are
used), but there will be many different items that just add score.
What or where is the gun gameplay inspired from?
D. Jagielski:
Take any 3D platformer that has user-created projectiles and you’d be mostly
correct. The projectiles travel a short distance then disappear (or disappear
after collision with a solid surface, whichever comes first). The projectiles
are real objects as well, since we’re way past the point where hitscans were
necessary for performance reasons.
How many guns and weapons are in the game?
D. Jagielski:
For now there’s only destructive gun.
Why did you include gun gameplay in your game?
D. Jagielski: Because it makes gameplay more interesting
and are especially useful while dealing with high hp enemies. Also some of the
enemies such as Bad Pointers are immune to the Virus’ dash and ground pound
ability so using gun is the only way to actually harm them.
What or where are the guns and weapon designs inspired from?
D. Jagielski: I
don’t want to discuss this at this point.
What is the main currency in the game?
D. Jagielski:
There is none.
Will there be any gameplay mechanics or mini-games to add diversity to your game?
D. Jagielski:
Yes, there will be minigames, however you’ll have to be smart to unlock them.
Are there any upgrades to the guns, weapons, abilities etc?
D. Jagielski:
After getting a game over, do players start from the last time they saved or they
start from the previous level/world they visited?
D. Jagielski:
There’s no game over, because there’s no lives mechanic. You can create a
checkpoint mid-level to be respawned at that point, however there’s limited
number of checkpoints and if you die without setting one, you’ll have to start
level over.
Does your Computer Virus character have idle animations?
D. Jagielski:
At the moment just one.
Can you describe the idle animation without revealing any spoilers?
D. Jagielski:
Is there going to be fall damage if the Computer Virus falls from a high platform,
ledge, cliff etc?
D. Jagielski:
Fall damage? In a platformer? Don’t be ridiculous.
What engine (e.g. Unreal Engine 4, Unity) do you use to develop your game?
D. Jagielski:
I’m using Unity.
Why did you choose not to include fall damage in your game?
D. Jagielski:
Because only crazy people would enjoy such a thing in a platformer of any kind.
I am firmly against fall damage, even in genres where it makes more sense to
have it such as first person shooters, open world games, RPGs, and so on. Fall
damage simply punishes you for exploring.
What if you don’t make that jump and the ground is
several hundred meters below you? Having to get back up there for another
attempt is punishing enough, you don’t have to kill player over it.
Will there be any vehicles or a method of transportation to travel from one level or
world to another?
D. Jagielski:
You’ll be able to play levels in any order from a list in the playable main
Will there be any trophies, skill points or achievements?
D. Jagielski:
There will be, although available only in campaign levels to avoid someone
making an achievement farm and putting it on the workshop.
Will there be online multiplayer or split-screen local multiplayer?
D. Jagielski:
There will be no multiplayer. Computer Virus Simulator is a single-player
Will there be a co-op mode?
D. Jagielski:
Will there be any cutscenes? Will there be any loading screens featuring characters or the main character doing an animation?
D. Jagielski: I
don’t think there will be any cutscenes, as I don’t want to take away control
from the players. But there’s dialogue system implemented that shows up at the
bottom of the screen where the player can stop and read what the characters are
saying or continue on with the level.
There’s going to be in-game conversations with subtitles at the bottom of the screen?
D. Jagielski:
For the loading times, game’s so fast when it comes to loading new level that
no load screen is necessary. Put one just in case, but it only blinks and
doesn’t consist of much other than the “Loading…” text. There will be conversations at the bottom of the screen using text boxes. Think SNES JRPG games or what Yooka-Laylee/Banjo had only it doesn’t take control out from you and you are free to ignore it and carry on if you like.
If the game ever comes out on consoles, will it be released on a disc or a cartridge?
I don’t know if I will go physical with the console
players at this moment.
Only digital at the moment?
D. Jagielski:
At the moment, yes. Plan to release to Windows/Linux/Mac then if the game is
successful enough (it will be) I’ll port it to consoles. However whether it
will be physical or digital at this point is unknown to me as I have first make
the thing before thinking of porting it to the different platforms.
Are you thinking of hiring more people to help you with game development?
D. Jagielski:
Once I have money to do so, yes.
If people are willing to help you for free, will you hire them?
D. Jagielski:
There are some serious legal issues with that if I want to do business, so no.
Do you ever get creative block? If you do, how do you get over it?
D. Jagielski:
Rarely do, however I’ve found that if you force yourself to do for few minutes,
the block subsidies.
Do you listen to music to help you concentrate? If you do,
what music and songs do you listen to?
D. Jagielski:
Does the music and songs you listen to inspire your game?
D. Jagielski:
Not really.
If your game ever becomes successful, are you planning on
developing a sequel?
D. Jagielski:
There will be no Computer Virus Simulator 2.
Will there be merchandise if the game becomes successful?
D. Jagielski:
Yes, there will be merchandise when the game becomes a success.
Will there be a series? Or you’re going to work on a new IP?
D. Jagielski:
After Computer Virus Simulator I’ll be working on a racing title.
What will the racing game be called?
D. Jagielski: I
have not decided yet.
Do you have a link to your Computer Virus Simulator Indiegogo campaign?
D. Jagielski:
Campaign will launch once the demo is complete which it isn’t at the moment.
What are the links to your social media and your website if people want to keep up to date with your game?
Follow me on Twitter (@thedarkhog) or read the devlog on
Are there other links too? I’ve heard the computer virus have his own Twitter account.
D. Jagielski:
Yes. It’s @VirusSimulator *hopes his drive won’t be formatted overnight*
Are you on Instagram and Facebook? It’s a shame your Facebook page of your game is deleted.
D. Jagielski:
Not on Instagram, no, and Facebook I’ve made only for few games there which I
don’t play anymore.
Couldn’t keep it up and found better to concentrate on
Twitter and my tigsource devlog. Maybe when I’ll be able to hire someone to
support it for me.
If it’s possible, will you be releasing this game to handheld consoles and smartphones?
D. Jagielski:
Handhelds maybe. But it would be nightmare to play on a smartphone or even a
tablet. This game needs a physical controller, be it mouse and keyboard (which
is preferred) or gamepad.
Would the price of the game vary from port to port/version to version?
D. Jagielski:
No, I don’t think so. As for Early access there will be three tier pricing:
When the game is launched as an EA title, when it is halfway done and when it
launches officially, lower the less of the game is complete.
Does the Computer Virus have a signature ability or a signature weapon?
D. Jagielski:
Haven’t thought about it yet, but in future he’ll be able to take over other
processes and make them do his bidding. Maybe this could be it?
Is the computer virus a hero, villain or an anti-hero?
D. Jagielski: I
prefer to not reveal that information yet.
What are the features and aspects that make your game stand out from other 3D platformers?
D. Jagielski: I
think the level editor is the biggest one. Because this is the same editor I am
using to create levels for the game and I will continue to do so, you’ll have
as much power to create your own unique levels as I do. No other 3D platformer
that I know of allows for that sort of thing.
It’s been a distinct pleasure doing an interview with you and especially, my first interview at that! Hopefully, we should do this again
D. Jagielski:
Hopefully. Have a good night.
By Wing See Li for Tomb of Ash
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