Murti Schofield, the writer for Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness sent us his notes on the second TRAOD game.
a) Lara solo adventure – no sign of Kurtis.
b) Small appearance by Kurtis – (still playable)
c) Shared game with Kurtis again.
d) The come-uppance of Karel/Eckhardt in Cappadocia.
e) Minor appearance of Kurtis who turns up at the end as a plot twist. He is discovered locked in a Nephilim stasis field helpless, a bit like Eckhardt was for 500 years. He is nothing more than a human component activating some powerful Lux Veritatis weapons that work only for an LV adept (it’s to do with the bloodline). Nephilim Eckhardt/Karel is using him.
f) Appearance of the Vasiley character, Morgau as a Cabal/Eckhardt controlled living weapon.
KURTIS GAME…possibles?
- With Lara guesting.
- No Lara at all.
- See early days of K’s training with Baetyl Knife Missiles and other arcane LV artefacts.
- Go back to K’s early days in the Legion. How and why he got named Chasseur de Démon. (think comics Constantine).
- How the Chirugai came into Kurtis’ possession via Marie Cornel & Chingacha Red Hand (‘Red’).
- K’s days as a gun for hire working for various agencies whilst tracking Eckhardt and taking out crazy Cabal individuals.
- Kurtis and his mother Marie Cornel running missions against Cabal bases and hunter squads. They are tracking down lost LV artefacts.
- Kurtis stand alone game – initially fighting Morgau but then working with her to rebuild the authentic Lux Veritatis = Neo Luceat Virtus/Virilis NLV. (check the correct Latin). [Primus = original, authentic. Neo = new, revived.]
- Immense opposition from a deranged & perverted version or the LV, the RLV, that yet another insane ‘immortal’ is trying to reform. This grotesquely revived LV mummy, Schattenspringer, (The Shadow Leaper) was one of the reasons the original early LV went a little ‘wrong’ back in the day. [RLV – Renasci Laureol Vindicati = Reborn Triumph of Revenge/punishment.]
- Eckhardt’s early history. We see what takes him down the dark path of the Black Alchemist.
- Eckhardt runs foul of the Nephilim. Gets stuck in pit.
- Eckhardt gets out of pit (earlier than we understand in AOD) and runs amok throughout history for 500 years.
- He is attempting to reconvene his Breeding Communities experiments to continue refining his Nephuman entities.
- He is present at main points of history, Fire of London, Plague, French Revolution, Jack the Ripper 1880 etc.
- He is in constant secret warfare with agents of the Lux Veritatis – perhaps even an early incarnation of Kurtis (one of his ancestors).
- See ‘Two Artefacts’ doc.
- See ‘New backstory-1’ doc
- See ‘Carrier Gene & Breeding’ –v2 doc
Let us know what you think about these documents in the comments below.
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